Transcend - 48" x 24"
"Transcendence" is a reflective piece meant to show how we are all connected. This artwork specifically showcases African Americans' connection to the motherland - even if their physical body has never stepped foot on the continent. We are all from Africa, so we bear a spiritual and eternal connection to this land.
This painting is adorned in the beautiful, vibrant colors orange, green, purple, blue, and gold, which reflect African and African American cultures. The lines in the background emphasize this metacognitive connection, and the patterns visually illustrate how our cultures are intertwined. This painting features two women. One is African, and the other is African American. Although, they are the same person, staring at each other, such as one looking into the mirror. Dressed in different garments, they are the same person experiencing two different cultures and realities. Yet, they are connected. This goes to illustrate that though we may be physically separated, our hearts, minds, and spirits have no borders as wandering energy on this earth.
length 48" x height 24" x width 1.5"
Acrylic Paint
Painted on Canvas